REINFORCE International Training Course 2022

from Sunday, 10 July 2022 (16:00) to Friday, 15 July 2022 (14:00)
Golden Coast Hotel and Bungalows, Marathon, Attica, Greece

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Jul 2022
11 Jul 2022
12 Jul 2022
13 Jul 2022
14 Jul 2022
15 Jul 2022
09:30 Welcome and Introduction to Neutrino Astronomy - Emmanuel Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
10:00 Neutrino Astronomy Educational Activities - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
10:30 Ιntroducing the Deep Sea Explorers REINFORCE Demonstrator - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
11:00 --- Short Break ---
11:30 Collaboration Activities on Deep Sea Explorers - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
09:30 Introducing the GWitchHunters REINFORCE Demonstrator - Dr Francesco DiRenzo (University of Pisa)   ()
10:00 Collaboration activities on GWitchHunters - Dr Valerio Boschi (INFN/Virgo)   ()
11:00 --- Short Break ---
11:30 Discussion and Challenge - Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
09:30 Introducing the Cosmic Muon Images REINFORCE Demonstrator - Dr Theodore Avgitas (CNRS) Prof. Jacques Marteau (CNRS)   ()
10:00 Collaboration activities on Cosmic Muon Images - Dr Theodore Avgitas (CNRS)   ()
11:00 --- Short Break ---
11:30 Discussion and Challenge - Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
09:30 Introducing the New Particle Search at CERN REINFORCE Demonstrator - Dr Stylianos Angelidakis (IASA)   ()
10:00 Collaboration activities on New Particle Search at CERN - Dr Stylianos Angelidakis (IASA) Mr Stylianos Vourakis (IASA) Prof. Christine Kourkoumelis (IASA/NKUA)   ()
11:00 --- Short Break ---
11:30 Discussion and Challenge - Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
09:30 Workshop on Sonification of Scientific Data - Dr Beatriz Garcia (CONICET)   ()
10:30 Challenge Results - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
11:00 --- Short Break ---
11:30 Challenge Results, Evaluation and Discussion - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
18:00 Science and Technology: Today they are more important than ever - Prof. George Neofotistos (University of Crete / University of Harvard)   ()
18:24 Open Schooling and its impact on Students Interest and Motivation - Prof. Franz Bogner (University of Bayreuth)   ()
18:48 Designing effective outreach programs - Dr Mick Storr (University of Birmingham / CERN)   ()
19:12 Schools Study Earthquakes - Dr Gerasimos Chouliaras (National Observatory of Athens - Institute of Geodynamics)   ()
19:36 Creativity as a catalyst for effective Science Learning - Mr Menelaos Sotiriou (ScienceView)   ()
12:30 Discussion and Challenge - Mrs Maria Panagopoulou (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
13:00 --- Recession ---
15:00 Virtual Visit to the Pierre Auger Observatory - Dr Beatriz Garcia (CONICET)   ()
16:00 Introduction to Gravitational Wave Astronomy - Dr Francesco DiRenzo (University of Pisa) Prof. Massimiliano Razzano (University of Pisa)   ()
16:30 Gravitational Waves Hands on Educational Activities - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) Dr Valerio Boschi (INFN/EGO)   ()
18:00 Visit to Cape Sounio   ()
12:00 Virtual Visit to the Virgo Gravitational Wave Detector - Mrs Giada Rossi (EGO)   ()
13:00 --- Recession ---
15:00 Introduction to Muon Tomography - Prof. Jacques Marteau (CNRS) Dr Theodore Avgitas (CNRS)   ()
15:30 Cosmic Rays Hands-On educational Activities - Dr Theodore Avgitas (CNRS) Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)   ()
16:00 Hands on work with muon detectors - Dr Theodore Avgitas (CNRS) Prof. Jacques Marteau (CNRS)   ()
12:00 Introduction to High Energy Physics - Prof. Christine Kourkoumelis (IASA/NKUA)   ()
12:30 High Energy Physics Hands-on educational activities - Mr Emmanouil Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi) Mr Stylianos Vourakis (IASA)   ()
13:00 --- Recession ---
15:30 Visit to the Acropolis Museum and the Acropolis. Dinner at Plaka   ()
12:00 Virtual Visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN - Dr Clara Nellist (CERN)   ()
13:00 --- Recession ---
15:00 Workshop on Sonification of Scientific Data - Dr Beatriz Garcia (CONICET)   ()
20:00 --- Farewell Dinner ---
13:00 --- End of the Summer School ---