REINFORCE International Training Course 2022

Golden Coast Hotel and Bungalows, Marathon, Attica, Greece

Golden Coast Hotel and Bungalows, Marathon, Attica, Greece
Emmanuel Chaniotakis (Ellinogermaniki Agogi)

The REINFORCE International Training Course 2022 ( | invites you to join a vibrant community of citizens, researchers and educators from all over the world aiming to bridge the gap between frontier research in Physics and Society through citizen science!
Browse the REINFORCE Large Scale Citizen Science Demonstrators here.

In the REINFORCE International Training Course you will:

  • Collaborate with researchers in order to Optimize Large Research infrastructures in Physics to understand and eliminate the “noise” that hinders their discovery potential.
  • Learn how Citizen Science can help connect Research and Society.
  • Receive training in the fields of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, High Energy Physics, Neutrino Astronomy and Cosmic Ray Physics through citizen science and educational activities developed by leading experts in frontier Physics research and science education.
  • Perform virtual visits to large research infrastructures in Europe.
  • Learn how to use real data to perform your own inquiries.
  • Help shape the future of Europe’s curricula in the field of Modern Physics.

The REINFORCE International Training Course is organized by Ellinogemaniki Agogi in the framework of the REINFORCE EU project , is organized under the auspices of the European School Innovation Academy (ESIA) and is supported by the FRONTIERS EU Project, the Surrounded By Science EU project and the Europen Physical Society. 

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