CliC - PoLiT Summer School 2022

Loukas Katikas (Ellinogermaniki Agogi )

CliC - PoLiT Summer School 2022

The CliC-PoLiT Summer School includes presentations followed by practical sessions and workshops focusing on:

  • Discussions on concepts and skills of Light Pollution monitoring and mitigation towards Urban Sustainability, inquiry processes and multidisciplinary teaching approaches.
  • Exchanging knowledge/experiences and enrich the participants’ understanding of site-specific problems linked to Light Pollution in the various countries.
  • Hands-on sessions working on creating field experiments, digital application, videos and resources related to Light Pollution monitoring and mitigation.
  • Virtual visits to large infrastructures and facilities including the Faulkes Telescope North in Las Cumbres Observatory.
  • Building a community of educators that will collaborate in the next few years and test different educational approaches within the framework of the CliC-PoLiT project.
  • Introduce the Robotics Competition thematic scope as an interdisciplinary teaching and learning environment.

The CliC-PoLiT Summer School 2022 is organized under the auspices of the European School Innovation Academy (ESIA
